A chat with The Common Good’s new CEO, Steve Francia
The Common Good

A chat with The Common Good’s new CEO, Steve Francia

Steve Francia joined The Common Good as Chief Executive Officer in March 2023. The Common Good’s Communication & Media Officer, Isabella Zaini, sat down with Steve to hear about his first few weeks as CEO and what he is most excited about for the year ahead.

Isabella Zaini:          

“Welcome to The Common Good Steve.”

Steve Francia:

“Thanks, Isabella, I’m very happy to be here. In fact, I couldn’t wait to start.”

Isabella Zaini:

“Can you share any first impressions?”

Steve Francia:

“I see The Common Good as a special, people-based organisation that has, with the incredible support of the community, helped dedicated and driven researchers continue to do their work and make life-changing progress in areas that matter. This, in turn, helps not just people here at The Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane’s northside or at the Caboolture Hospital; but it helps people around the entire world. That’s pretty special”.

Isabella Zaini:

“Steve, you have come to The Common Good with experience in both the commercial and not-for-profit sectors, and with that have had leading roles at LifeFlight Foundation, Mater Foundation, and the national Surf Life Saving Foundation. What attracted you to The Common Good?”

Steve Francia:

“There are a number of special things that The Common Good does and offers. And I say that because I have watched and experienced that for several years as a local community member and donor of The Common Good.

I lived locally for more than 15 years and have known our former CEO Michael Hornby for an even longer time. I’ve actually worked with Michael before, so I understand his values and desire to make big impacts. As a former colleague, I know how dedicated Michael was. He loves The Common Good and put significant time, focus and energy into it to ensure it was a “doing” organisation.

Michael left a culture that – whether it be patients, researchers, members of our community or our internal staff – is people-focused, and my number 1 goal is to ensure we continue that.

Isabella Zaini:

“It’s already been a busy first few months of 2023, and no doubt this will continue until the end of the year …. and beyond!?”

Steve Francia:

“It sure has been a busy start, and yes, I’m sure that will continue. I’m particularly excited about the launch of the Tradie Health Institute in June. It is the concept of collaboration that drives me more than anything at this point. There are a lot of people doing things to tackle silicosis and occupational lung disease and improve the lives of those suffering, and I think the main thing that The Common Good has shown with this world-first research establishment is to acknowledge that people need to collaborate to be able to attack this thing and make the most significant impact.”

Isabella Zaini:

“Thanks, Steve. Any last thoughts?”

Steve Francia:

“I’m incredibly proud to be the CEO of The Common Good, and I’m incredibly excited about what the future holds.

Thank you to our community for their support. Your friendship, connection and generosity are absolutely cherished, and what is crystal clear to me is that the positive, life-changing outcomes we achieve wouldn’t be possible without you, so thank you.

Published: April 13, 2023

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