Rejuvenation of Wellness Room inside Mental Health Unit
Mental Health

Rejuvenation of Wellness Room inside Mental Health Unit

The wellness room inside The Prince Charles Hospital’s Mental Health Unit has been rejuvenated thanks to support generated through The Common Good’s Giving Day. 

At the heart of The Prince Charles Hospital’s Mental Health ward stands a room where patients gather for important sessions about recovery, art, self-esteem, stress management and life.

“The room is used to help patients understand different aspects of mental health wellness. We also conduct sessions, for example, explaining how anger works and giving them techniques to help them with their frustration, sessions covering boundary issues, and I also do one-on-one recovery plans in this room,” said Recreation Officer, Kerry Knudsen.

Peta Mitchell, a Queensland Health Artist in Residence, who runs therapeutic art groups within the space, explains just how important the activities carried out here are.

“Art is a distraction technique. it sets people off on the path of finding themselves because they realise they have a skill in some area.  Using art can be a medium to express yourself when you can’t in any other sort of forum,” said Peta. 

“Plus, there are all the therapeutic groups that Kerry does, there’s all the support information that comes out of here. This is like a little hub.” 

But until recently, the staff say this vital space felt drab, untidy and cluttered.

Rejuvenation of Mental Health Unit’s Wellness Room 

A much-needed refresh, made possible thanks to Giving Day funds, has recently been finished.

“Now it does feel like a nice space to come into, and it does feel relaxing to come in here knowing that everything is new and clean and safe. It’s like a little home environment now,” said Peta.

The rejuvenated space includes new cupboards to store things out of sight, an updated kitchen, comfortable new armchairs, and freshly painted walls that are now a soft, cool purple hue.

“People come in here, and they find it very calming. It’s amazing – the first thing people often mention is the particular colour on the walls and how calm it looks,” said Kerry. 

A lot of preplanning went into the additions and upgrades to the room to ensure it’s comfortable yet practical and doesn’t feel too clinical.

“It’s very adaptable now as we can move things around and create different spaces for the range of activities we do,” said Peta. 

“I’m really grateful to come into a room that looks and feels like this. It’s lovely,” said Kerry.

Giving Day 2023

When you support The Common Good’s Giving Day, you’re helping us carry out meaningful projects like this one, as well as patient care initiatives. And we are so grateful for your support!

In 2023, we are raising funds for The Prince Charles Hospital’s Children’s Services.

Learn more here.

Published: October 16, 2023

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