Quick and Easy Fundraising Ideas: How Much Can You Raise In One Week?
The Common Good

Quick and Easy Fundraising Ideas: How Much Can You Raise In One Week?

So, you’ve decided to raise funds for Giving Day? Thank you! We are so grateful for your support and want you to know that it’s not too late to make an impact for our littlest hospital patients.

It’s true – contributions of all sizes will help! Everything donated for Giving Day will be matched by our generous Matched Givers, and therefore, will have double the impact.

Are you time-poor, or have you only just heard about Giving Day? In this blog, we’re sharing quick and easy fundraising ideas for those who want to make a difference for the common good.

Try to tick off the below tasks over the next week, and you might be surprised just how much you raise!

Set a Fundraising Goal for the Week

We believe a fundraising goal for the week of $240 is a great starting point for individuals.

Why? It’s not a daunting amount, and if you raise this much, you’re funding five (5) hours of medical research time or contributing a significant amount to a hospital project.

Click here to learn about the hospital projects we’re raising money for this year.

Quick Fundraising Ideas: 7-day Fundraising Guide

Day 1: Contribute a small donation to get the ball rolling

You are already supportive of our cause, and we thank you for that. But if you want to encourage other people to jump on board, it’s a good idea to get the ball rolling and add to your own tally. It doesn’t have to be much, but contributing a small amount, like $20, into your own pot can really help to kick off donations.

That first contribution amount often influences how much other supporters will donate, with many likely to match that figure.

Day 2: Ask your friends, family, and social media followers

Gain momentum for the cause close to your heart by sharing your fundraiser details and your reason for raising money with family, friends, and social media followers.

Are you second-guessing your caption or message? We’ve created social media tiles and captions to take the guesswork out of your posts.

Day 3: Coin donation jar

Set up a coin collection jar in a safe, high-traffic area at work or school. It’s a straightforward fundraising activity and to make it even easier, we’ve created some labels, which you can stick onto your container, so people can find out more about the worthy cause you’re fundraising for.

Day 4: Silly sock, hat, hair, tie day

It doesn’t take much effort to organise a dress-up day, and if you plan the theme around an item of clothing people are likely to have lying around in their cupboard, they’re more likely to participate. Some of our favourite ideas that don’t require a whole costume include a silly hat day, crazy tie day, wacky hair day, or silly sock day.

Simply ask those who take part to bring a gold coin donation or send them to a link where they can add a larger amount.

Day 5: Car wash

Round up your friends, family, neighbours or colleagues and get them to drop their car around for a wash.  They’ll likely be more than happy for you to get your hands dirty (so they don’t have to) and donate to your cause for your hard work.

Day 6: Bake sale

Are you a maestro in the kitchen? A bake sale is often a crowd pleaser – especially in the afternoons when a sweet tooth needs a pick me up.

Can’t bake, or don’t have time to make enough tasty treats? Ask your friends and colleagues to contribute some desserts to your collection.

Day 7- Giving day

Make the last call for donations on your social media accounts or chase up friends and family members who haven’t already contributed.

Once you’ve stopped collecting donations, you can add your final figure to The Common Good’s Giving Day pot on November 30 and see that amount doubled, thanks to our matched Givers.

It’s also a great idea to share your final total with your supporters and thank them for their generosity!

A final note to our supporters | THANK YOU!

We hope these quick fundraising ideas have been helpful! All your hard work has been worth it, and we appreciate you backing projects and programs for our older hospital patients.

You can learn more about Giving Day and the projects we’re supporting this year here.

Interested in volunteering at Giving Day? Sign up here.

Published: November 15, 2022

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