Archive: lung disease
In this blog, we explain what lung disease is, discuss different types of lung disease and shed some light on common misconceptions.
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF): What is it?
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis is “a disease that afflicts many people at random.” Learn more about it in this blog.
Meet Bill Van Nierop: Our Incredible Supporter Kayaking the Murrumbidgee River
Meet Bill Van Nierop: Our Incredible champion about to embark on the Long Kayak for Lungs 2, kayaking down the Murrumbidgee River to raise funds for IPF research.
Five Reasons Ekka Strawberry Sundaes are so special
As far as Ekka traditions go, one treats the tastebuds AND helps people live healthier for longer. Click to read 5 reasons why Ekka Strawberry Sundaes are so special.
Multiplex Senior WHSE Coordinator raises $19,000 for the Tradie Health Institute
Multiplex Senior WHSE Coordinator raises $19,000 for The Common Good’s Tradie Health Institute, to fight silicosis and occupational lung disease.
'My only remaining hope is a lung transplant': Brisbane grandfather with silicosis shares his story
About 15 years ago, Brisbane grandfather, Frank, now 53, was diagnosed with silicosis. The former stonemason’s condition has worsened over the years.
Breathing hope into a silicosis diagnosis: Daniel's story
Daniel, 44, is a loving husband and father of four who was recently diagnosed with silicosis. Fortunately for Daniel, it was identified early during a routine medical check-up. The early…
Tackling the Silicosis Epidemic
Tackling the epidemic of silicosis: The Queensland Lung Transplant Service at The Prince Charles Hospital is at the forefront of tackling silicosis.
Craig Lowndes and Daryl Beattie to Ride 500 Kilometres for Medical Research Charity
The inaugural eight-hour Ride For Good, hosted by The Common Good will be raising money for vital medical research into heart disease, lung disease,mental health, and dementia.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
On 11 February 2022, we are celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day that inspires and engages women and girls to have full and equal…
Kedron Wavell Services Club hosts Charlie’s Angels’ annual end of year lunch
On December 15th 2021, the Kedron-Wavell Services Club supported the Charlie’s Angels’ annual end of year lunch for 75 Angels.
Join The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation Board
The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation is a charity which focuses on raising and distributing funds into the core areas of heart disease, lung disease, mental health, dementia and hospital innovation…