An initiative of the Prince Charles Hospital Foundation

The Fine Print


Before you start, you must register for your Authority To Fundraise. Please contact for further information.

Contact Us

Terms & Conditions

Depending on the type of event you are running and the ways you will raise funds, additional Terms & Conditions may apply. Please ask the team if this applies to you.

Insurance and permits

Appropriate local council permits – like for public space use or food handling – are a fundraiser’s responsibility to obtain. You may also require Public Liability Insurance as The Common Good does not cover this.

Logo use & branding

Once we have confirmed your Authority to Fundraise, we will supply you with a ‘Proudly Supporting The Common Good’ logo and guidelines on how to use it. Please do not use any other The Common Good logos.

Investing money in your event

If you need to spend money to raise funds then be sure you set and track your budget from the beginning. Fundraising regulations state that costs cannot exceed 50% of the money your raise. You need to keep track of expenses as well as the funds you have raised. It’s a good idea to include goods and services that have also been donated to you.